Your September Social Media Calendar 2024

September Social Media Calendar

The start of Autumn is upon us…

As the leaves begin to change colour, why not bring some (pumpkin) spice to your social media feeds? Our monthly round-up of awareness days gives you opportunity for plenty of flavour…

Taking time for your health

There is a plethora of health orientated awareness days throughout the month of September. The first full week kicks off Organ Donation Week, in which falls World Sexual Health Day and World Physical Therapy Day on the 4th and 8th. The 9th, 10th, 15th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th, 28th and 29th all host awareness days under the umbrella of health, some stand outs include 999 Day and World Heart Day. We know our very own Health Communications Consultant, David Bennett, will be lively across his social media channels this month showcasing some of the amazing health projects we have been working on.

Good Deed for the Month

Showcase your brand’s ‘do good’ spirit this month with plenty of opportunity to help out within your local community or further afield. International Day of Charity, National Food Bank Day and International Coastal Clean Up Day, on the 5th, 6th and 16th consecutively, all promote the theme of giving whether this is through donations or giving up time to help. From a company perspective, use these as a chance to showcase your CSR (corporate social responsibility) values.

Hoedown, Throw Down

Make use of International Country Music Day on the 17th of the month, by capitalising on Country Music’s current surge in popularity online. The newfound infatuation with the country lifestyle has created a multitude of trends and aesthetics across various social media platforms.  Get your office to join in on the latest folk-style dance trend on TikTok to showcase some personality – or if you’re feeling in the spirit, throw your very own hoedown complete with hay bails and cowboy boots.

Say ‘Yee-Haw’ to expanding your social media horizons and try to incorporate some of this month’s whip-cracking awareness days onto your profiles.

This isn’t our first Rodeo, so if you need some more assistance, please feel free to get in touch with our team. We are more than happy to offer a free no obligation chat on how we could help your online presence, unfortunately not help with your dance moves.

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