Together a Healthier Future
The client and background
Commissioned by Together a Healthier Future, Enhanced Care in Care Homes is a Vanguard programme for care homes to work closely with the NHS, local Authorites, third party service providers, carers and families to optimise the health and wellbeing of its residents.
In Pennine Lancashire this programme is based on successful initiatives which have been shown to work and delivered within and around care homes in a coordinated way. To help deliver high quality care, efficient and consistent services across the region.
To this end, the client was looking to create a communications campaign to create a brand identity and collateral to assist with the communications of the vanguard in one of only six areas of England.
What we did
Our team created a concept brand that would sit alongside any NHS Trust’s Branding but reinforce the strength of the messages it needed to carry, as part of the branding it would need to be future proof to sit with sub messages and projects to enhance the programme’s key delivery areas.
From this we created subsequent marketing collateral which included a Display system that was used to launch and promote the vanguard programme at the NHS national innovation event at Manchester Central. To support this launch the team at Pennine Lancashire produced a video to communicate the innovations taking place in the region, this included the successful Red Bag Relay Scheme.
The supporting collateral for the vanguard that is now used and shared across the communications with care homes, included an 8 page concertina leaflet, a regular newsletter, decals for the Care Homes and partners to endorse their involvement in the programme.
A regular newsletter is also being produced to profile the effectiveness of the vanguard and share with key stakeholders, service users, commissioners, GP’s and other personnel within the health sector to highlight the ongoing successes.
– Branding
– Posters
– Banners
– Leaflets
– Pens
– Newsletters