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Just under a year on from our last presentation to St Augustine’s RC High School, Creativeworld were once again invited to take part in their Careers Week and present to the students about the career opportunities within the creative and digital sector.

The presentation explored the roles of some of our team members, a day in the life of one of our designers, explained some examples of careers within the creative sector and finished with a fun interactive tasks for the students to get involved in.

Here is what Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Rutter, had to say;

“We just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for your time, energy and expertise this week. Our pupils have thoroughly enjoyed a rich and diverse week exploring Careers, their next steps and have enjoyed listening to your advice. We will look forward to working with you again.”

The students seemed interested, if the surge of questions was anything to go by, and were eager to learn all there is to know about how to take the first steps into a creative career. Our representatives, Dave and Natalie, were more than happy to share their own experiences and knowledge to hopefully encourage the students to really consider their diverse options.

We were honoured to have such an opportunity and we look forward to being able to work with other schools to promote the amazing experience of a career in the creative and digital sector We hope to see more young people exploring the option of creative careers!

We welcome any school who would like to visit our office, if you’re interested just give us a call on 01282 858200 or email us at